UI/UX, Branding

Name & description

Emojinary - An emoji-based game inspired by Pictionary where two players, randomly coupled, face one another. One of them will be guessing the hidden word and the other will be sending emoji hints. The game has also an achievement system that is meant to add competitiveness as well as make the game more engaging.

Project type

Game (side project)


Materialize a concept into a mainstream game app


A usable and engaging game app, that appeals to a broad and diverse target audience

My role

Product designer

User personas

Lara (18) and Ian (16)

Competitive siblings like to challenge each other after study sessions

Julia (48)

Freelancer, relaxes playing games during her breaks from work

Marco (36)

Tech executive, commuter, enjoys playing games after work to decompress

Information architecture

The first versions of the logo wanted to highlight Emojinary’s similarities with Pictionary (through a logo handwritten with a black marker) so as to make the game more familiar to new users.

This solution hid the innovative character of the game so I replaced the initial handwritten, analog logo with a digital one and added chat bubbles to better represent the game's digital and conversational essence - which are what set it apart from its digital competitors and from Pictionary. The overall style is playful and fun as well as clean and simple so as to appeal to its target audience’s demographics and psychographics.

Given the fact that the game was supposed to be targeting a young as well as a more mature audience, the color palette’s goal was to create a playful and elegant mood
